{H zone}{}{Area in the center of the A band in which there are no actin myofilaments; contains only myosin.} {hair follicle receptor}{}{A sensory receptor located in the structure in which hair develops.} {Haversian system}{}{A central canal containing blood capillaries and the concentric lamellae around it; occurs in compact bone.} {hemisphere}{}{Refers to half of the cerebrum of the brain.} {hemoglobin}{}{Red, respiratory protein of erythrocytes; consists of 6% heme and 94% globin; transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.} {hepatopancreatic ampulla}{}{Composed of the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct.} {heterozygous}{}{Possessing two separate alleles of a gene.} {holocrine}{}{Gland whose secretion is formed by the disintegration of entire cells [e.g., sebaceous gland; see also apocrine and merocrine].} {homeostasis}{}{State of equilibrium in the body with respect to functions, composition of fluids and tissues.} {homologous pair}{}{Pair of chromosomes each containing the same gene loci.} {hormone}{}{Substance secreted by endocrine tissues into the blood that acts on a target tissue to produce a specific response.} {human chorionic gonadotropin [HCG]}{}{Hormone produced by the embryo upon fertilization and division of embryonic cells. The hormone maintains the corpus luteum, which allows the uterine lining to proliferate.} {hyaline cartilage}{}{Gelatinous, glossy cartilage tissue consisting of cartilage cells and their matrix; contains collagen, proteoglycans, and water.} {hydrogen bond}{}{Hydrogen atoms bound covalently to either N or O atoms have a small positive charge that is weakly attracted to the small negative charge of other atoms such as O or N; can occur within a molecule or between different molecules.} {hydrophilic}{}{A polar substance; literally, water-loving.} {hydrophobic}{}{A non-polar substance; literally, water-hating.} {hyperextension}{}{Extension of a joint beyond its normal range.} {hyperpolarization}{}{Increase in the charge difference across the cell membrane; causes the charge difference to move away from 0 mV.} {hypertonic}{}{Solution that causes cells to shrink.} {hypodermis}{}{Loose areolar connective tissue found deep to the dermis that connects the skin to muscle or bone.} {hypoglossal nerve}{}{Cranial nerve XII; motor fibers transmit impulses to muscles that move the tongue.} {hypophysis}{}{Endocrine gland attached to the hypothalamus by the infundibulum. Also called the pituitary gland.} {hypothalamus}{}{Important autonomic and neuroendocrine control center beneath the thalamus.} {hypotonic}{}{Solution that causes cells to swell.}